Tech.Ed – Electronics / Robotics

Create, Build, and be Amazed. Do you want to change the world? Are you imaginative or innovative? Do you want to work with technology? Do you want to build robots, design code, or work in engineering teams? In the following courses, you will design, build, and program robots and take control of areal drones and be ready for an advanced technological society.

Students in the Electronics/Robotics program should come to class with a positive work ethics and a cooperative attitude. Having a great time in Electronics/Robotics is mandatory. However, if you feel that this is an easy ‘A’ and that you know everything, perhaps you may find fulfillment in another program. A majority of the activities will require students to work together in close cooperation. If you find this to be difficult, please reconsider your selection.

Electronics 9/10

This course is open to students in grades 9 and 10. This is an introductory course for students who want to explore the world of robotics and drones. Students will learn how to build a VEX-IQ robot and fly a DJT Tello drone. Learning will consist of ‘problem-based challenges’ and ‘team-work cooperation’. Having Fun is a Must.

Electronics 11

This course will continue from Electronics 9/10. Students will learn to build a VEX-V5 robot and solve technical challenges using complex engineering principles and techniques. Cooperative learning is part of the course as well as Problem based Challenges and exploration of post-secondary opportunities. Students will also have an opportunity to understand where and how robotics and drones are intergraded into today’s society and how the skills and knowledge they have learn from the course will play an active part in their future lives.

Electronics 12

This course will cover advanced robotics and coding/computer programming. Students will work in design teams to solve complicated robotics challenges and design problems. A number of different opportunities will be available for students to demonstrate their learning and capabilities. The use of areal drones for commerce and scientific development will be covered in this course. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to build their portfolio for university entrance applications (U.S. and International Universities).

Electronics 12: Robotics

This is an extra course for students who have completed the entire electronics program before grade 12. This is also an excellent course for student who have demonstrated their accelerated knowledge in the robotics area and would like to take an additional course to explore topics that are not covered previously. The use of areal drones for commerce and scientific development will be covered in this course. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to build their portfolio for university entrance applications (U.S. and International Universities).